Responsibilities of each person for obtaining groundwater work
Administrative role: Any new individual water-taking permits work is subject to authorization from the local or regional municipality of the territory in which the work will be developed. The tasks of the municipal officer necessarily include an administrative aspect, since they must ensure compliance with regulatory requirements before issuing the municipal permit. The municipal officer must:
- Ensure that the water drilling project requires municipal authorization.
- Ensure that the authorization request contains all the information required for the analysis of the file.
- Ensure that the distances indicated in the location diagram comply with the Regulation respecting groundwater capture.
- Check if the project is in a flood zone. If so, the municipal officer must ensure that the water drilling structure will be developed in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Verifier role: Before issuing a municipal permit for the development of a water drilling work, verifications may be necessary to ensure that the distances separating the proposed well from the wastewater treatment systems of neighboring residences are respected. Field visits may also be necessary to ensure compliance with the minimum distance of 30 meters from a cultivated plot.
Informant role: Municipal officers also must play an informant role as they interact with citizens living within the limits of their municipality. They will surely have to answer many questions, particularly those from residents wondering about the procedure to follow regarding the development of their new well structure, such as the distances to be respected, the quality of the water collected, the maintenance of their well, and the recommended methods for closing an unused catchment structure. Information provided by the municipal officer constitutes a preferred means of achieving the objectives targeted by the Regulation.
Advisory role: Finally, due to the good knowledge that municipal officers have of their territory as well as the types of water-drilling works and the quality of the water collected, they will be able to advise their citizens in their decision-making relating to the development of their well.
- Ensure that the casing is covered with one of the required conformity marks.
- Provide new equipment (casing, driving shoes, etc.).
- Ensure that the tubing has a minimum length of 5.3 meters.
- Ensure that the casing exceeds the ground surface by at least 30 cm.
- Drill to a diameter at least 10 cm greater than the nominal diameter of the casing, install the casing at least 5 meters deep from the ground surface, and seal the annular space when required.
- Cover the well with a lid preventing the infiltration of contaminants into the well structure.
- Provide location information where the customer can obtain chlorine to disinfect the installation when the work is completed.
- Carry out a flow test of at least 30 minutes, during which the flow and water level before and at the end of pumping are measured.
- Write and transmit a drilling report to the owner, the municipality, and the Minister of the Environment of Quebec, following full payment required for the work after the development or
- deepening of the tube well.
- Submit a permit request to the local municipality for the development of a water well structure, specifying the location and the desired capacity.
- Enforce the distances provided for in the location plan.
- Ensure that the integrity of the cover of the well is constantly maintained.
- Ensure that the finishing of the ground within a radius of 1 meter around the well structure is carried out in such a way as to avoid the presence of stagnant water and ensure that this
- finishing is constantly maintained.
- Close an existing unused well structure.
- Have a water sample taken between the second and thirtieth days following the start-up of the pumping equipment and have this water analyzed by a laboratory accredited by the Ministry of
- the Environment of Quebec for microbiological and physicochemical quality.
- Prevent any gushing from a well by taking the necessary measures.
Please know that we are available to answer all your questions at any time, so that you have all the information necessary for the successful completion of your project.